


Friends of Canadian Media depends on the generosity of passionate Canadians who support our campaigns from beginning to end. This includes signing petitions, sending letters, engaging with political officials, volunteering at events, amplifying our messages on social media, and of course, making donations. 

When you invest in our work, you’re standing up for Canadian voices in Canadian media.

To donate by mail, please download this form and mail to:

Friends of Canadian Media
PO Box 246, 663 Yonge St,
Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2L5

You can also reach us at 1-866-833-1282 and

Already a monthly donor? Click here to manage your monthly donation. Only credit card monthly donations can be managed through our donor portal. If you would like to modify your bank account monthly donation, please contact us at

Friends of Canadian Media is a non-profit organization that receives no government funding or donations from political parties or CRTC-regulated entities.